Memory of Farrar Public School for the Deaf

Rest In Peace

11th February 1946 - 19th December 2000

History - Do You Remember?

James Fletcher making a speech on behalf of the ex-students at the opening of the present school.

The inspector who, when taken to see the "jungle" that is now the lower playground, fell into a blackberry bush. The area was cleared shortly after.

The great time we has at camp at Broken Bay.

Alexandra Boyd, Colin Thompson, Lon Hannah and Donna Hanagan putting the clocks forward so the student teachers let them out early.

Mrs Bonner teaching us to swim at Enfield pool.

The exciting game of touch football after lunch.

The three year old boy saluting the flag every morning when he arrived at school.

Another three year old boy who was so upset on his first day at school that he bit Miss Cadby as his mother was leaving.

The international lunch, when we brought in dishes from our family's country of origin.

When two children from Farrar has small parts in the TV serial "The Restless Years"

Farewell lunches at Chinese restaurants and McDonalds.

Rolf Harris visiting Farrar for a rehearsal with the signing choir before a concert at the Sydney Entertainment Centre.

The wonderful Easter and Christmas parties and the year Mrs. Chan was Mother Christmas.

The Easter egg hunts. Did Mahassen Kanj ever find her Easter egg?


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