Memory of Farrar Public School for the Deaf

Rest In Peace

11th February 1946 - 19th December 2000

Farrar News - May 1967


Mr. R. Shaw.

Teaching Staff

Miss J. Chalders


Mrs. B. Chan


Miss. J. Henry


Mr. P. McGree


Mrs. G. Vidler


Mrs. M. Ward

Cleaning Staff

Mrs. V. Bywater


End of Term Journal

May 1967

Training Course for Teachers of the Deaf.

The training course numbering 21 teachers with their lecturers, Dr. L. Bennett and Mr. W. Parr, have attended the school for demonstration lessons given by all teachers, this term.

In addition, Miss Wilson, Miss Easterbrook and Mr. Fisher attended for four weeks' observation at the commencement of term, while Miss Port, Miss Cocks and Mr. Ctittenden attended for three weeks' practice teaching, at the end of term. Miss Cubis and Mrs. Aslin attended for 3 days only for practice teaching mid-term.


Pre-School Children.

Three prospective pupils, Penny Bales, Stephanie Arena and Ward Tooker visit us regularly and we are always pleased to see them.


Staff News.

Prior to the commencement of this term, the school principal Miss J. Walter was transferred to North Rocks School for the Deaf and was replaced by Mr. R. Shaw previously the Assistant Principal at North Rocks.

Very early in the term, Mr D. Gates was transferred to North Rocks and we welcomed to our staff, Mrs. M.A. Ward, an experienced teacher from Queensland.

A new appointment to the school, Mrs Vidler, took up the position as sewing teacher and had been coming every Monday afternoon.

Miss J. Chaldera, a specialist teacher from the Physical Education Branch, was appointed to the staff and has taken the children for Physical Education and for Rhythm, every Friday. Unfortunately for us Miss Chaldera is being married in May, but we are hopeful that another teacher will be appointed for next term.

Mrs. Johnston, a Roman Catholic teacher for religious instruction, visits the school each Thursday and instructs the senior Roman Catholic children.



Two pupils, Graeme Stevenson and Grahame Paull, commended this year, making the enrolment now thirty five.

One of the senior pupils, Garry Knight, attends Ashfield Boys High School for sport and craft.

Another three senior boys, K. Thorn, Alex Ramsay and P. Dunn, have attended Croydon Park School for craft and now commencing sport there, also.



We have welcomed to the school:-


School News.

Two of our boys, Ken Tanner and D. McLeish, represented the school at the Primary Schools District Swimming Carnival and, while they did not win, performed very creditably.

All children attended the swimming school, at Ashfield Baths for nine day, with the following results:

Andrew Cameron

1-4 yards

Vicki Williams

1-4 yards

Colin Thompson

1-4 yards

Wendy Kay

1-4 yards

Geoff Read

20 yard test and 25 yards

Timothy Simmons

30 yards and 20 yard test

Ken Tanner

330 yards and 20 yard test

Ronald Smith

1-4 yards

Lon Hannah

20 yard test and 220 yards

D. McLeish

20 yard test and 1,000 yards

Alexandra Boyd

20 yard test and 50 yards

Marilyn Roberts

20 yard test and 55 yards

Robert Rogers

20 yard test and 55 yards

Dean Hanagan

12 yards

Jame Ashley

20 yard test and 330 yards

K. Thorn

15 yards

Alex Ramsay

20 yard test and 330 yards

P. Dunn

20 yard test and 260 yards

Donna Smith

20 yard test and 1,000 yards

Sue Kendall

20 yard test and 220 yards

Garry Knight

20 yard test and 1,000 yards


Excursions have been made by classes: juniors to a fire station and the zoo; seniors to be shown over the S.S. "Canberra."

All of these were both enjoyable and educational; for the children.

Parents have visited all but the senior class, this term, and will be invited to visit this class, early next term.

The children in the nursery would like us to thank Mrs. Nichols for the donation of constructional materials and boxes. Thank, also, to Mr Kendall for procuring planks for nursery play. All children have shown their appreciation of this equipment by using it every day.


Junior Red Cross

The Office Bearers for 1967 are:-


Alex Ramsay


Garry Knight


Donna Smith

The children have collected a total of $3.09, this term, by means of their cent-a-week.


The Farrar Ex-Students' Union

Two meetings have been held, this years. They have decided to hold a meeting each term, from now on. The next two meetings will be on the 5th June and 9th October. They have also arranged a programme of picnics, theatre parties etc., for the year. Further information may be obtained from their Secretary, Miss Jennifer Luke, 2 Ferry Street, Hunter's Hill.

News. Miss Anne McDowsell and Mr. Warren Booth, both ex-student of Farrar School, have announced their engagement. We extend our congratulations to them.


Parents' & Citizens' Association News.

The P. & C. Association held a farewell afternoon for Miss J. Walter, on Saturday 25th February. The Patron of the P. & C., Mr. David Hunter M.L.A., attended as did a large of parents, pupils, ex-pupils, teachers and friends. Congratulations and best wishes were extended to Miss Walter with sincere tanks for her years of work for the school. A gift of a book case and books was presented to Miss Walter.

The Association has been privileged to hear talks from Miss Walter on her visit to deaf schools in Hong Kong, Dr. L. Bennett on "Language for the Deaf," and Miss D. Burns M.B.E. on "Changing Aspects of the Education of the Deaf".

The Western Suburb District Council of Parents' & Citizens' Association held their meeting ar Farrar, on 20th March. At the conclusion of the meeting, The Principal gave a short address on deafness and the Farrar School, and Mr. P. McGree demonstrated some of the machines used in speech training. The parents of the children attending Farrar entertained the visitors to supper.

Our Constitution Rules have been amended to enablpresent us on the Council of Social Services and Mr. Williams at the Western Suburbs District Council of P. & C. Associations. Mr. Williams is also a member of the Execution of this Association. Three delegates regularly attend the Federation for Junior Deaf Education meetings, and Mrs. Wordley was re-elected as Minutes Secretary. Mrs. Kendall was a member of the parent panel at their recent Training Session for Parents of Pre-School Children.

We were fortunate to receive donations as follows:-

More Library books have been purchased as well as a second S.R.A. reading laboratory and nursery equipment. Also, we receive a monthly book from "Around Australia Program", for the senior social studies class.

Miss Henry organised a working bee for the garden, in February, and Dr. Cameron & Mr Stevenson attended to mowing the lawns during April. It is hoped that this volunteer service for the lawns, on a monthly basis, will continue. Mr Hartshorne provided a new fork and fertiliser for the garden.

Officers elected to the executive for the 1967/68 year are:-

President Mrs. B. Kendall

Mrs. M. McNamara

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