Memory of Farrar Public School for the Deaf

Rest In Peace

11th February 1946 - 19th December 2000

New Flash

 November 2002

Anne Barwick was in Nepean Hospital and she nearly died from fatal disease.

She was in ICU ward for 7 weeks and her stomach was left open for 5 weeks to clean out and rehabilitation took 2 months to get back to normal.

The disease is Peritonitis.

She was lucky to be alive as her doctor got worried when she did not turn up for weekly check up and Doctor went to check for Anne Barwick and found her. Doctor took Anne Barwick to rush to the Nepean Hospital for urgent operation. If doctor did not come to see her and Anne Barwick would be dead before next weekly check up.

Anne Barwick is off from volunteer work as driver for needy people in Penrith area until she feel well enough to drive again.




















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