Memory of Farrar Public School for the Deaf

Rest In Peace

11th February 1946 - 19th December 2000

History - Message


In the following pages we look back: back to 1946 and the beginning of Farrar - a small private school founded in two rooms rented from St. James' Chruch, Croydon. From there we move on to 1949 and the second school - a small renovated terrace in Liverpool Road, Ashfield. Finally we move on to 1963 and the opening of the present school building in Croydon Park.

We see the photo of Miss Burns, founder and first principal of the school. Parents, pupils and teachers have been grateful for her vision and commitment to excellence in the education of hearing-impaired children. We look at the list of names and the photos of pupils and staff members, and we realise that since 1946 the school has played an important part in the lives of many people. We also understand that while staff, students and parents have been changed many times, the overall aim of the school - to provide the best possible education for its students - remains the same.

In this year of the Australian Bicentenary, we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the school on its present site. All of us who have been associated with Farrar can look back with pride and a sense of achievement. We can also look forward to a future that technologically, educationally and socially will offer hearing-impaired children far greater opportunities than previously. It will be the task of the parents, teachers and friends of Farrar to ensure that the opportunities are recognised and grasped.


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